Welcome to Pine Cone Utopia

Now is the time to awaken and realize that you have chosen to be alive in the most momentous and wonderful time in the last 12,000 years. If you choose to open your eyes, you will see that a revolutionary change in human consciousness is about to take place. A shift that promises to be so complete and transformational in nature that the species that emerges will be hardly recognizable as human. Individually and collectively, we are moving into dimensions of consciousness far more wonderful, expansive and filled with possibilities than most of us dare to imagine.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Six Ideas to Expand Consciousness and Gain Our Freedom by Paul Marko

Look at us. Everything is backwards; everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information and religions destroy spirituality.
Michael Ellner:
If you are beginning to awaken and become aware, you know that Michael Ellner reports the truth. Although the overwhelming majority of people on the planet want peace, good health, and social justice; as a global society we have very little of what anyone would call peace or justice. According to the World Bank 500,000,000 people live in what they describe as “absolute poverty.” Every year a conservative estimate of 15,000,000 die of hunger.  Another 5,840,000 die of hunger related diseases. Civilian body counts rise from the countless wars of aggression. At the time of this writing, there were an estimated 58 wars raging across the planet. 33 of that number are considered “major” wars where more than 1000 people were killed so far.  The distribution of wealth in this abundant planet is decidedly lopsided. In the US in 2007, 50% of Americans shared 2.5% of the nations wealth (this includes everyone making $40 K or less per year) while the top 1% shared 33.8% with the preponderance of the wealth being controlled by upper ½ of those ranks. I am sure that the distribution is even more dreadful today with the Banksters having orchestrated crisis after crisis redistributing the wealth of nations in the direction of themselves. Religions are of little help. One lawyer, Jeff Anderson, after filing thousands of lawsuits against the Catholic Church for sexual abuse winning his clients tens of millions of dollars is hoping to indict the Pope himself. "I came to the stark realization that the problems were really endemic to the clerical culture, and all the problems we are having in the U.S. led back to Rome,"  Although Mr. Anderson has not yet named the Pope himself, that is clearly where he is headed. An ex-clergy man Kevin Annett is also naming the Pope for other crimes against individuals that had been put in the care of the church. After more than a year of preparation, Mr. Annett is armed with the power to arrest and sentence the Pope at a tribunal in Brussels charging crimes against humanity. According to Annett “We have forensic proof now that countless children are buried in mass graves near former church schools, orphanages and sweatshops across Canada, America, England, Ireland and Australia” Although his efforts are currently names the Catholic Church, Annett adds that many other Christian Churches were involved in these crimes against humanity. This criminality rages in the institution that most people in the world turn to as their connection to spirituality.

In my viewpoint this circumstance, although dreadful is not by accident, human consciousness was always intended to pass through this period and learn lessons about greed and avarice, lessons that had to be learned in a gross material existence, confined to a five sense reality - deprived of much of our ability to perceive what we are or what is going on around us. We suffer through this time in order advance to a new level of realization. A realization that for many is rapidly approaching. 
The Vedics say that we are passing through the Kali Yuga, a time delineated as an era of intense suffering, deprivation and materialism  – it is also referred to by the Greeks as the Iron Age.. 
Wealth and piety will decrease until the world will be wholly depraved. Property alone will confer rank; wealth will be the only source of devotion; passion will be the sole bond of union between the sexes; falsehood will be the only means of success in litigation; and women will be objects merely of sensual gratification... Thus, in the Kali age will decay constantly proceed, until the human race approaches its annihilation,
Vishnu Purana 
In my opinion, there is a certain amount of comfort in knowing that this is a normal phase of human existence. One that had been prophesied through the ages and that will soon be over making room for another theater or several possible theaters for our expanding consciousness. This new age will move in and replace the ravages and dense materialism of the Iron Age with a new cycle of experiences. 
I have always felt that for the Iron Age to have done its job, there should be a visible or ideally measurable shift in consciousness awakening. There should have been lessons learned from this extreme fixation on materialism, war, disease and famine that should have lead at least some humans to assume a new viewpoint. A perspective that realizes that we are not material beings at all (according to quantum physics). A vantage point that knows that we are all one thing and what one does to others one does to himself. At the very least a point of view with a broad enough vision such that it cannot be completely controlled by the forces that seem to be intent on keeping us trapped in this dense existence. A vantage point that will be more characteristic of a learning platform fit for the upcoming era of the new human. 
The idea that there might be such a shift immediately raises two major questions, what will this modified or expanded consciousness look like?
And is it observable today?
I have been passionately interested in the answer to these questions for a long time and have done a lot of research to find what this movement would look like psychologically, emotionally and spiritually. How would individuals think and behave that have moved beyond the set of concepts, ideas and opinions that  I call Conventional Consciousness? 
I became so interested in this topic that I and some of my colleagues  undertook research and published our findings in an edited book called The Postconventional Personality available from SUNY Press. This book is a collection of empirical studies which look at how these individuals work, what they perceive of as the self, how they learn and most importantly for us in the last days of the Iron Age – How they determine what is truth. 
For the most part, these individuals are devoted to consciousness development and would gladly do everything that they could to help us all expand our viewpoint – they realize that it is in everyone's best interest.
Actually, I am sure many of you are among the ranks of these beings or know someone who is living a bit further down the path. A major characteristic is that Love and development of mankind are paramount to them – the materialism of our current age, takes a backseat to human welfare and consciousness development.  
Through related research, I know that today, many cosmic energetic forces are at play on the earth and throughout the cosmos. This cosmic energy is showering the earth not only causing disruptions in the electricity of the planet, but also influencing our consciousness, which, like everything else is made up of energy.  
Myself along with other researchers feel that with this new element influencing our planet and indeed the universe our movement toward consciousness expansion has become vastly aided. It is as if someone has thrown us a life raft. 
Unfortunately, today there still exists a countervailing force. The same force that has kept us locked in this materialistic fixation for as long as they will allow us to remember. And also most unfortunately this force controls the systems that we consider for the most part, modern society including but not limited to education, media, governments, large public corporations, healthcare, the military and the entertainment industry. Because ostensibly these forces seem to be opposed to the evolution of consciousness, I will refer to them to as the forces for involution. 
It appears that although our consciousness wants to naturally evolve and see the world and the universe from a higher perspective, these forces that control what we see, hear, learn and how we think want to hold us in the Iron Age. They like the idea of infinite consciousness trapped in these easily managed packages (the human body) doing exactly as they are influenced to do on behalf of their dark forces.  
Fortunately, all is far from lost, more and more people are becoming aware of what is going on and this knowledge spurs some of these individuals to begin to wake up and look for answers beyond Conventional Consciousness. There are also things that would make sense for us to begin to do right now that would move us beyond this easily manipulated conventional mindset. To not only expand our consciousness outside of the influence of many of the devices used by the forces for involution, but also help us see what human consciousness really is and what it is capable of. Employing these ideas might help move us, with eyes wide open, in full awareness to a future with promise and most importantly independence.  
 “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”
Albert Einstein  
I posit that a new level of awareness is needed to lift us out of our current day dilemmas. This new viewpoint is beginning to awaken on the planet, but the numbers are still small and their influence is currently drastically marginalized.    
Here are some ideas that I have learned from studying those beyond Conventional Consciousness to help us all get together and be able to see our circumstances from an expanded vantage point.
I present here two separate strategies to free us from the overwhelming influence of the forces for involution and plant us firmly on the path to freedom. One strategy is to minimize the influences of the forces for involution by a process that I call unhooking (others might call it noncompliance or simply opting out) and the other is to begin to recondition your viewpoint to be in line with those who are already experiencing some aspects of the upcoming change of consciousness. 
It is advisable to try and minimize the influence of the forces that are devoted to thwarting our evolution in consciousness. Here are three strategies that will begin to free your mind and body as much as possible from the Iron Age mentality.
First, Unhook your mind from the corporate media that are controlled by the government and big business, and find other sources of information produced by individuals or organizations that might have your best interest in mind. Governments and Corporations are for the most part controlled by forces for involution and do not have your best interests in  mind. 
Although there are many wonderful people working in these organizations (I know, I spent most of my life coaching and training them) these organizations are controlled at the top by forces that don't have your consciousness evolution or your continued existence in mind.

Secondly, Unhook your body, your family and your community as much as possible from the government and corporate controlled systems, like food, energy and water. Form community and begin to take responsibility for one another. Actually form a community that is not only devoted to helping one another survive the collapse of the existing structures, but create a community dedicated to consciousness evolution. A creation like this will become one of the most powerful force for pulling all of mankind forward.
Lastly, Unhook from fear and hate. These are the main tactics used by the forces for involution to keep you enslaved. Realize that you are infinite consciousness having an experience as you. Eliminate fear and you immediately escape the clutches of the Iron Age. 

Now lets look at three basic ideas that if considered seriously and studied closely will begin to recondition your psyche to enter the next era. Concepts presented are ideas that will aid in the gradual expansion of your consciousness. And, if they were to take hold in a community they would completely change reality as we know it.
One warning, however, be aware that many of these ideas may contradict notions that you have held near and dear your whole life and when considering them might cause temporary confusion or discomfort. The human ego has difficulty letting go of opinions that they feel hold in place their reality. Some of these thoughts might indeed feel threatening at first, and might spur a furious chattering session in your brain between your ego that is simply trying to stick with what he or she has been depending on as reality and new ideas that might take some getting used to. Consciousness expansion is generally a process (although I feel it is a process marked with many ah has!) and may take some time to realize fully. Simply relax, these are truths, there is a part of you that knows they are truth and you eventually will begin to see wisdom in these ideas. All of these ideas are in line with those further along the path and will help all of us see our situation from a higher perspective. 
Change engendered from these new perspectives – if you can begin to embrace them - will help you become a personal force for consciousness evolution.
First, expand exclusivity to inclusivity. I have found and you may have too, that as individuals become further away from preconventional or conventional consciousness, their self concept becomes larger and larger. From the childish feeling that you alone are “self,” that this body is you, through the feeling that your “self” is your family or a larger unit to which you might belong. As consciousness expands one begins to think and act as if your “self” is your whole community and then enlarges to seeing “self” as all humanity - to all life globally - to all life cosmically. Work to see the concept of “self” in a larger and larger way. As your “self” enlarges and your concerns wrap around more people, places and things your consciousness naturally expands, by definition.
The forces for involution constantly use to their advantage  the commonly held, conventional, small self-concept of our “self” being a our physical body to turn us against one another. Their media and minions work to turn nations against one another, races against one another, sexes, religions, and even communities  against one another. The commonly used strategy of Divide and conquer no longer works as a ploy to distract you or demonize others when you begin to see all humans as brothers and sisters to be loved helped and protected as “self.”
this gradual enlargement of the “self” is a process and may take some time. As you leave Conventional Consciousness, you might find that you include in the category of “self” individuals that you had found to be deplorable. You might find that the homeless, poor, unemployed, lazy, people of other races and religions as “self” to be understood, protected and Loved as if they were family as if they were “self.” Eventually, the forces for involution themselves will be included in your “self” and instead of hating them (I know this is a stretch), give them the compassion that you would give yourself or a Loved one in your home. 

Seeing yourself or working to see yourself and your concern for all of mankind or all of our global inhabitants works to expand your consciousness.
Care for the world not just yourself and you will thwart the forces for involution and usher in the new era. 
Keep in mind that as each of us moves forward we create what a boater would call a wake. Since we are all in actuality one thing, this wake pulls along all of human consciousness to an expanded viewpoint. 
Therefore when you work to expand your “self,” you not only help yourself, you help all of us.
The second idea is to hold the concept that we are all equal. 
This is a hard one and represents the basic underpinning of the forces for involution strategy to keep us in place. Everything for them depends on us accepting that there must be a wealthy ruling class and a lower working or slave class. Although it it true that a middle class has been allowed to exist for a short time from time to time down through history, it is always troublesome and is eliminated usually by degeneration.
This notion has been around for a long time, from the Hammurabi Code, through time of the Pharaohs, reinforced by Plato and still taught by the forces of involution today. They have maintained the idea that there are some that deserve more, and are better. Some that rule and some that serve.  
Frankly, Without this notion lodged in our psyches down through the millennium we would have not put up with the oppression and lack that we have been forced to endure. You must now know the truth, there is no one better than you and no one worse, no one more Loved, no one less Loved, no one deserving of more, no one deserving of less.  The forces for involution began our slide into the Iron Age by putting forth the premise that there were the upper class and the less fortunate class, the blue bloods and the great unwashed and this notion, accepted by us, has allowed them to hold us in this reality of lack for millenniums.  Get rid of this concept first in your mind and then in the world and you will see how quickly things change for the better.
Holding the concept, that we are all equal, you will begin to re-conceptualize issues such as social justice. It will move from a forces for involution conceptualization of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth to all encompassing social justice concept that makes sure that everyone has enough and no one has too much.
The last idea is going to sound very strange to your ego. It may appear to be so outside of the box (your current reality) that it may cause you to disregard all of the information presented so far and plunge back into the safety of conventional reality. Your ego that has been taught (through all levels of education, social conditioning and the mass media) all of your currently held  ideas regarding of the utilitarian nature of the human brain and therefore to understand the notion explained below may take some coaching, or depending on your ego's openness and readiness you may already know what I mean. 
Start to move toward less of a mental focus in your life. 
The mind is an impressive organ, designed to aid us in conceptualization, explanations, analysis and synthesis of data - in Conventional Consciousness this means processing 5 sense information, but as a human being you also have access to other often more reliable ways of knowing, finding truth and making decisions. You have instincts that work in an instant to help you avoid danger. This innate ability works through senses through which you are largely unaware. Most people feel that they have the ability sense if someone is staring at them from behind or sense danger. Humans claim that they have a certain amount of intuition which, if you can turn off the chattering mind for a minute, will tell you right from wrong, wise from insane and when to move forward to hold back. In addition, most humans have access to a certain amount of direct knowing. Many people have told me that they just know things. Some people feel that they have always known things to be true, even though these things may reside far outside of  the Conventional mindset. Some individuals have been able to hold on to these “outside of the mainstream” notions in spite of others insisting that they were wrong, being trained that they were wrong and in some cases being ostracised for their continued beliefs.  In some instances these individuals have found out later in life that they were right on target with their idea all along – they just knew it. We are human consciousness, part of infinite consciousness – why wouldn't we “just” know things?
The forces for involution through education and overwhelming social pressure have tried to keep us locked in our brains, depending largely on left-brained consciousness to navigate through life. Devaluing not only our other ways of knowing, but trivializing everything except left-brained logic. Logic in Conventional Consciousness reins supreme as the only way to know, find truth or make decisions.
Logic is a wonderful process, but it is severely limited as a way of making life decisions. It is limited first of all by the 5 sense reality criterion superimposed by Conventional Consciousness under the influence of the forces for involution. It is also limited by the quality and quantity of input data. The input information to be beneficial must be free from political, traditional or personal bias distortion. How much information is truly free from these influences? In addition, to faulty input data, much essential information is not available. For example, all future factor data is missing, life purpose data is not available are always among the missing facts and figures needed to be uploaded into the process. It is also based upon the assumed fact that there is a physical, material reality in which our 5 senses can glean the input data. Quantum physics have long ago proven that there is no physical reality. Everything is made up of atoms which are largely non-physical and move in and out of this dimension.  Actually atoms only show up when they are about to be measured.  

In addition, logic IS a process and therefore is limited because it takes time (unlike instincts, intuition or direct knowing), therefore as the process passes through its algorithm, data changes, circumstances move forward and new realizations arise. All left-brained consciousness processes are subject data degeneration while we wait to know the answer it is offering.

In my view, all said and done, logic is a fine, although severely limited way of using the mind to come to a decision. It is certainly not the optimum way for human consciousness, inextricably hooked to infinite consciousness, to make life decisions. Human consciousness with its instincts, intuition and in some instances direct knowing likely has many other sources for information, realizations and inspiration, the potential is very likely unlimited. 
There have been many instances where through inspiration, perhaps tapping into the universal mind or some other form of unknown powers, ordinary humans have created extraordinary art, displayed unbelievable strength or found scientific breakthroughs. Routinely, just ask your government if you live in the US, humans are trained to do remote viewing, time travel or pass into other dimensions and communicate with beings existing in that habitat. These feats are done using our natural human abilities – realized largely simply through training.
For now, simply begin to trust your instincts and listen to your intuition. I feel that a certain part of you knows what your purpose is here in this era and will help you streamline your path to accomplishing it. When you hear something and need to respond, listen to your gut. Does it say uh huh (yes) or huh hu (no)? You will find that moving with your gut response will begin to eliminate frustration, and bring you more life satisfaction.
Also if circumstances are bringing you excessive resistance you may want to stop and change directions. As David Icke is fond of saying “stuck chuck – go flow.” When you feel met with resistance or things do not seem right, let go and move away from the circumstance. Mental understanding rationalizing or explaining will simply slow you down – go with the flow.
The forces for involution would rather have you stay in your left brain consciousness – gathering logical considerations- based upon your chattering left brain, worrying about outcomes and keeping you in fear of making the wrong move.
Practice going with your gut for now and you will find that you will begin to get more in touch with your whole body and regain some of our natural abilities and knowing, that the dark forces do not want you to know about.
Use your brain, that wonderful and powerful organ, for the purpose I believe it was intended; to conceptualize your experiences, explain things, and help others understand. Don't let the mind get more than tangentially involved in something as important as decision making.
Your mind has no idea what the purpose of this life is, it can only have an inkling of why these circumstances were brought to you at this time and it cannot even conceive of the being that you are about to become.
As a planet and a universe, we have what will be perceived  by some as tough times ahead, moving through this great transition from the dense, fear laden killing field called the Iron Age and into the next era – which quite frankly will probably look at first much like the preceding era until we get further into it and expand to reclaim our true selves.
I feel, however, that if we can stay positive and focused upon the ultimate goal and unhook from the Iron Age fear mechanisms, build community and work to expand our awareness, we will be able to speed the transition and start to be the proud and free entity that we truly are.