Future Chronology
Paul W. Marko, Ph.D
“He who controls the past commands the future. He who commands the future conquers the past.”
George Orwell
As long as we are slaves to the strange collection of pasts schooled into our collective psyches, we will be subject to the twisted future forced upon us. Most of us accept one of three chronologies that tell the story of how man (homosapiens) came to walk upon the earth. All three teach that we spring from incredibly humble beginnings (clay, an ape-like species or an ape-like species and alien DNA (sperm?) [Zecharia Sitchen]). Two of these mythologies portray us as inferior beings with the need to be dominated (controlled, judged or ruled) by an extra planetary force. The other story (an allegory of the brainy ape) explains our origins as a combination of fortunate accidents and successfully beating the competition in a “survival of the fittest” environment. In the physical reality supposed in this mythology there exists severely limited resources – barely enough to get by. The drama portrayed surrounds an ongoing narrative where only the strong survive and the strongest (most ruthless as it turns out) dominate and rule. Either or all of these chronologies might have some merit, or indeed might be completely true; on some level they all, however, have one thing in common.
The human creature that pops out of each of these creation stories (us) is custom made to be a slave race. In the “God created us in 7 days” allegory, humans were put on earth with specific orders (commandments) and after a period of time, this God will return and score us on how well we obeyed, subsequently doling out rewards and punishments. This seems to be a scenario that sets in place pretty tight supervision, limited growth parameters and limited latitude of thought and actions. The “allegory of the brainy ape” characterizes us as simply an offshoot of the animal kingdom. Animals become extinct all of the time and when our time is up, we can be eliminated to make more room. We are not so special; indeed in the movie, the Matrix, our species is compared to a virus that doesn’t know when to stop reproducing. In the Annunaki tale, gods came down and created us to be mining slaves while a supervising ruling class was set in place and left with us in the form of secret societies (the ruling elite). So no matter which of these you pick, you remain in the same pickle – a – not worth too much – slave race – to be tightly controlled, judged, manipulated and destroyed at will (for the good of the planet – of course).
Who put these myths in our brains? One story is the product of the “scientific” community, schooled into us by our crackpot educational system. This training was mandatory for most of us with forced attendance throughout our formative years so it was extremely hard to avoid the belief that we were once an apelike species. Another came from the Abrahamic churches and temples which used to have the monopoly on mind control until the governments muscled in and took over. The third came to us through popular media – no threats – simply a cool story backed up by clay tablets. When Barbara Hand Clow decided to publish the complete works of Zecharia Sitchen, it was received as the great underground revelation that challenged conventional thinking. Since then, the fostering of this story by mainstream media presenting it as a marginal, but very appealing belief has made it almost as popular as the other two equally creative stories.
If you have watched the ruling class as long as I have you may realize that the elite are control freaks, therefore, nothing put in the education system, the religious dogma or the popular media is interjected just for fun. Everything seems to serve multiple purposes all pointed at controlling the population and ultimately their end game of complete planetary dominance. I believe these stories are no exception. Neither of these stories would be promulgated without a purpose in mind. In the creationist story, an off planet God created everything including us within a short period of time. This God delineated a chosen people, dictated rules for engagement and set up a final judgment for all humans – so watch out! This sounds like a recipe for control from a force beyond question. This force is in the form of the Abrahamic religions which have been controlled by the power elite since their beginning. This story sets in place obedience to authority, judgment for those straying outside of the norms and conflagrates God’s law with human law to be obeyed without question. In the evolution story, we are nothing but lowly animals, a parasite, almost like a virus – a danger to each other and the earth. Since the time of Plato, the idea of our inferiority has been emphasized with the need for a ruling class to control the masses. Plato expressed the idea that the ordinary population (us) is a great danger to the social order – especially if it learns how to think. This sets up perfectly the eugenics agenda and portrays the transmutation of our species to merge with machines as an evolutionary step (forward?). The third story sets in place the ruling bloodlines as the rightful rulers of the planet. They are the gods that created us after all, without them we would be running around the African plains naked in the form of large dumb apes thumping one another with clubs. They have been here since they sprinkled a little alien (Annunaki) sperm into the DNA to make us what we are. This relatively new story puts all of the pieces in place: the ruling class, our lowly nature, our limited usefulness and the fact that the elites really have every right to do with us what they will. Sounds like a set-up to me.
There are other more empowering stories that the education system, the churches, temples and the popular Ancient Alien series have conveniently left out. These mythologies portray us as having a very different beginning, one more compatible with our true spiritual and compassionate nature. These explanations point to us as a spiritual being on a developmental path passing through at the current moment a very physical experience. Let’s look at three of these stories of creation that I think portray a more positive and uplifting view of what we really are and where we might be going. My description of these chronologies are much abridged, the stories in their entirety are quite complex and highly sophisticated.
The Dogan tribe of Africa presents an interesting chronology that I think portrays us more in line with our true nature and also gives a very different look at the power elite. When the Dogans were discovered it was found that they had remarkable knowledge of things about which they could never have known. They had star maps of the Sirius star system and a deep knowledge of our solar system. In a book entitled,Conversations with Ottomele one of the last shaman of the Dogan tribe recounts the story of the Nummo.
According to the legend, the Nummos came from Sirius for the express purpose of creating a being on earth which could experience their unique form of immortality. Five dominant characteristics of the Nummo are that they are amphibians (and not what you would call beautiful creatures), technically incredibly advanced, female by nature, humble in that they denied being gods and infinitely compassionate. Initially the Nummos came to earth and undertook the terra forming of our planet to make it the ideal habitat for their creations. Subsequently they took the DNA from a terrestrial life form and combined it with their DNA to fashion the being that they referred to as Experiment 1.
Much to the chagrin of the Nummo, Experiment 1 failed. The creation, which the Dogan refer to as the Jackal, took a space ship and crashed it back onto the earth causing an ecological catastrophe. The compassionate Nummos were not only dismayed, but resolute upon making things right. Initially they undertook a process to clean the earth (used a foaming technique) and remove the certain kind of radio active contamination left by the crash. Returning to Sirius, the Nummo began to fashion a second attempt – Experiment 2.
In this experiment the Nummo created beings known as the Eight Ancestors. Sexually, these beings resembled the Nummo in that they were basically female, but could transform into males when the need arose (sex and lawn maintenance?). The plan was quite simple: by interbreeding the 8 Ancestors in a particular manner, the Nummo would give birth to the 4 races of man. In other words, 8 was to mate with 1, 7 was to mate with 2, 6 was to mate with 3 and 5 was to mate with 4. But before this could happen, a love affair erupted between Ancestor 1 and 2 which produced a potential offspring. Incidentally, both Ancestor 1 and 2 were passing through their male stages at the time. Aware of the problems that could be caused by this mistake, the Nummo decided to perform an abortion to eradicate the blunder. The Nummo realized the potential problems with this accidentally created being which could potentially threaten their own immortality.
The other 6 Ancestors having inherited the Nummo’s compassion but feeling more of an allegiance to the other Ancestors than they did to the Nummo (since they had earthly DNA that the Nummo did not), strongly objected to the Nummo’s plan and wanted to allow the offspring to be born. Subsequently, the Ancestors stole a space ship and headed toward earth where the progeny of Ancestor 1 and 2 was born. Incidentally, to tie this mythology with other allegories, the royal families on the earth, especially the Kings and Queens of Great Britain and any of the royal families in Europe (Merovingian’s) point in their creation myth to the union of two men one of whom was a sea monster. Are they claiming to be the descendents of the birth of Ancestors 1 and 2? Could this be the reason that their viewpoint is so twisted compared to that of the rest of the population?
After the birth, the 8 Ancestors went on to follow the Nummo’s original plan. They undertook the proper mating sequence and created the multiple races that we have here on earth today. For example the Dogans, in fact all Africans are the product of the union of Ancestor 8 and Ancestor 1. As a footnote to this story, the Dogan tell of a return of the Nummo and their subsequent hasty departure. Some think that they might have been driven off of the planet. But who could have done this, who would be so motivated? Since the 4 races of man are part of the semi-divine plan of the Nummo, it is highly unlikely that we humans (decendents of the proper Nummo mating sequence) would be motivated to expel these compassionate creatures. Could it have been the royal offspring of Ancestors 1 and 2? And if this were the case, how would the elites have obtained the technology to threaten likely one of the most technically advanced races in the universe? Our next creation myth might answer that question and more.
The Sophia Mythos
In his book, Not in His Image, John Lash, a modern day Gnostic, offers an allegory taken from his translation of the Nag Hammadi writings and various other ancient sources. He tells the story of the Divine Sophia and her creation of the earth as an environment for the Anthropos (a template for humankind). This meticulously researched tale gives a graphic explanation for the creation of the earth; the appearance of a disease called the Archons and sets the stage for the struggles that we are now working through on the earth.
It all begins in the Galactic center also known as the Godhead or the Pleroma and proceeds forward. Within this location dwell various divinities known as Aeons. Two of these divinities Christos and Sophia conspired to emanate the potential for novelty to emerge in the universe in the form of the Anthropos. Together Christos and Sophia danced and projected their dream out into the cosmos at large. Sophia completely enwrapped in the possibility of the Anthropos emerging in a world of its own, departs from the cosmic center and plunges into the external realm of swirling outer chaos, where she finds a nest in the Orion Nebula. At this point, Sophia becomes so taken by her idea that she alone, without Christos, falls into deep dreaming which begins the cosmic process of emanation or creation. Acting alone in this type of action is a bit of a problem because acting unilaterally causes disharmony and imbalance throughout the worlds.
In addition, Sophia’s plunge into the realm of chaos produces an unexpected consequence in that it spawns a species of inorganic beings known as the Archons. This accidental apparition was unanticipated by Sophia in her dreaming and she realized that it may interfere with the evolution of humanity. The Archons often characterized as a disease or certainly a malady commonly take two physical forms. One resembles an embryo, with large eyes and big head topping an infant like body. Some think this describes the commonly known grey aliens. The other form is of a reptilian being. The Archons follow their central deity, known as the Demiurge. This demented god falsely claims that he is the creator of all that he beholds. Sophia confronts the Demiurge and tells him that the Anthropos, although still unborn, is superior to the Archons because the Archons were not created through divine emanation, instead they were spawned outside the cosmic core.
Sophia then proceeds to begin the metamorphous into a terrestrial form, an organic earth, but this is interfered with by the Demiurge. Sophia becomes overcome with fear, confusion and grief and is unable to manage the life emerging on her surface. The Galactic center sensing Sophia’s difficulty sends Christos to her aid. Christos brings order to Sophia’s experiment and leaves the biosphere with a radiant afterimage. Subsequently the Divine Sophia becomes totally absorbed in the solidarity of her dream of a world where a particular strain of humanity can flourish. Sophia continues her morphosis from a divine spirit into the physical earth (Gaia). She risks all for earthly humanity. That brings us to the current time where this novel human experiment runs its course on the earth in the presence of the Archons. John Lash explains on page 160 of his book that “with novelty comes the risk of deviation.” He explains that we, the Anthropos on this planet, have three challenges; to find our place in evolution, to stay on course with our proper evolutionary path and to define our role in Sophia’s ultimate purpose. All of which might be complicated by the presence of the Archons.
The Yuga Cycles
The description of the Yuga cycles is not so much a story of how we began as it is a description of how we have proceeded up to this time, an explanation of our current experiences and perhaps a glimpse into the future. Although the western mind has taught itself to view life as a linear path from the past through the present to the future, certain eastern traditions and most indigenous cultures conceptualize existence as a series of spiraling cycles, actually, cycles within cycles. Just as day and night are earth’s rotation cycles within a larger 28 day moon cycle and 13 of these cycles are contained in one sun cycle, a year, so too are these cycles part of larger cycles within larger cycles. The descriptions of the Yugas portray cycles of human consciousness development and provide an excellent description of how past events fit together and give clues to our future.
The Yuga cycles as delineated by Sri Yukteswar, posit 4 distinct cycles of progression that take place over approximately 26,000 years and parallel similar cycles described by the ancient Greeks. According to the teaching of this Vedic master, human consciousness cycle through the following phases; beginning with the Satya Yuga (The Golden Age to the Greeks), the Treta Yuga (The Silver Age to the Greeks), the Dwapara Yuga (The Bronze Age to the Greeks) and the Kali Yuga (The Greek’s Iron Age). Yugas repeat so that the length of time to complete an entire rotation takes approximately 26,000 years from the beginning of the Satya Yuga through all of the other Yugas back to the Satya. See illustration below.
Taken from the Yugas by Joseph Selbie and David Steinmetz
The Satya Yuga (The Golden Age) is described as a paradise on earth. People lived like gods and had miraculous powers like levitation, the ability to fly, healing powers and miraculous powers of creation. They did not age or contract diseases. People lived in harmony with nature and one another in complete abundance of everything. They lived in accord with all animals and indeed could communicate with them. Some speculate that the people during the Satya Yuga may have been much larger, could communicate telepathically and perhaps had no need to eat because they could derive all of their sustenance from the sun. Most cultures have legends describing such a time, ours is referred to as Atlantis. The Gobekli Tepe dating from 9500 BC could have been a product of this time and age. This monumental structure was purposely covered up by its builders – perhaps in anticipation of the upcoming Trenta Yuga and beyond.
The Trenta Yuga (The Silver Age) human knew himself to be an intricate part of universal consciousness interconnected with non-material reality. Unlike in the Satya times where man comprehended all including the spirits beyond the physical world, during the Trenta Yuga, man lost this direct comprehension. Advanced souls who still possessed attributes from the Satya Yuga taught the people of the Trenta Yuga practices that would allow them to attain certain Satya capabilities and ways in which the Trenta humans could maintain their spiritual connection through the Yugas to follow. Mantras were taught to allow subsequent humans to attain intuitive attunement. Without telepathy to communicate, the development of languages evolved from connecting vibrating frequencies to communicating thought patterns into Sanskrit, one of the most complete and advanced languages known today. In the beginning of this era, humans considered civilization unnecessary and unattractive since it led to the physical exploitation of the planet for food and shelter. Toward the end, however as mental abilities waned, man turned to widespread agriculture and the establishment of cities to meet growing physical needs.
As we continued to devolve into the Dwapara period mankind became acutely aware of the importance of energy. Still cognizant that energy was their underlying reality, the harnessing of that power however, became a necessary component for their survival. Magic through the priests carried real power. Supposedly this type of power served multiple purposes. In agriculture magic provided more effective pesticides and fertilizers than the chemicals used today. And in defense (since defense became a new reality) powerful individuals could focus energies through weapons to transform them into devastatingly destructive forces (magic of mass destruction – perhaps). Magic was a direct harnessing of energy. In construction, magic could have moved the pillars in place in sites such as Stonehenge. Magic as a tool disappeared during the upcoming Kali Yuga and magicians resorted to illusions and tricks instead of the true magic from an earlier age. During the Dwapara, the one sophisticated language degenerated into many and just as occurred at the end of the Trenta era, at the end of the Dwapara a narrowing of awareness occurred, for example the quality of the Pyramids degenerated throughout the world after the Great Pyramids at Giza which evidence points to as having been created at the beginning of the Dwapara Yuga.
Beginning at around 700 BC, mankind entered the Kali Yuga or the Iron Age, the darkest and most dense of the epochs. From the glory of the Satya Yuga, mankind (with the possible exception of the ruling class) slipped into a very simple but difficult time. People labored long and hard to stay alive. Life expectancy was short while disease and famine were common place. Ignorance seemed to become the goal as storehouses of ancient wisdom were destroyed. For example, the library of Alexandria was burned, Chinese Emperor Chin burned all the books in China, the Romans destroyed 500,000 Phoenician scrolls at Carthage and the Library at Pergamum was destroyed by Christians just to name a few of these destructive incidents. People slipped from virtual gods in the Satya Yuga into becoming slaves or serfs. The practice of religion became the opposite of expansion oriented practices (such as mantras) in previous times and fell into dogmatic practices designed to limit human options and thwart real consciousness development. The deepest spell of the Kali Yuga occurred 500 AD, an epoch that is known even today as the dark ages. During this time, mechanical and scientific knowledge (such as it was) was lost and then crudely rediscovered. Since then we have been slowly advancing to the end of the Kali era which according to Sri Yukteswar ended 1700 AD.
This demarcation of time led into the cusp era of the ascending Dwapara Yuga – technically we left the cusp and were fully in the Dwapara at the turn of the 20th century. In my estimation, from 1900 to the present day could best be characterized as a period of struggle between regressive and progressive forces. One can point to many consciousness raising events and movements. For example, early spiritual thinkers such as Rudolph Steiner, Edgar Caycee, Ghandi and Martin Luther King emerged to lead us into the Dwapara era of expansion. There has been during this time, however, a countervailing force to recapture us in the dogmas of the Kali Yuga. For example, there is the prohibition on the use of psychedelics as consciousness expanding tools, modern schooling is designed to train obedient factory workers, media works the interest of the common person in their compliance with government in covering up crimes of the state, there exists now massive drugging of the human population to interfere with their ability to reason, the planet is enwrapped with perpetual wars and of course the rising police state stifling all of human potential.
This dichotomy of forces acting out on the planet today begs many questions. Is the ascension of consciousness assured by the presence of the Dwapara era? Is the reported quickening of consciousness a sign of our expansion? Will the offspring of Ancestors 1 and 2 sufficiently thwart our expansion as to reroute or delay our ascension toward the Satya Yuga? Are the Archons able to prove to our beloved Sophia that the Demiurge can overcome her beloved Anthropos? Or, will the Nummo finally return to help its creations?
To me these questions are infinitely more interesting and possibility filled than when will God come and judge us – and will he pick me to go to heaven? Or how will the Annunaki in the form of the secret societies puppeting the ruling elites shut us down and transform us into transhuman robots? Or when will we (just another ape like species) go extinct in order to save the planet?
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