My Buddy,
The conversation that we are having about what is real is the core issue of today. We exist in a world of lies, deception and trickery. Everyone should be having this conversation, but it is difficult because we all are blinded by our preconceived beliefs. They create land mines in our brains and when a certain subject is broached, they shut us down because we think we know the answer. Common land mines that obscure the truth are organized religion including atheism (statism), manifest destiny, global warming, the origins of man, overpopulation, gun control, immigration, women’s rights, protection of Israel and on an on. All of these listed and many more are core concepts that must be held by the population in a certain way to facilitate the cabal’s agenda. Any or all of these prevent knowing the truth. This is why we are unique in having this dialogue; most egos cry FALSE and shut out discussion on many subjects because justification of a held opinion is much more critical than knowing the truth (to the ego). We seem to be sincerely open minded (as open minded as an ego can be) and really looking for answers.
According to research done with consciousness expansion, the liberal viewpoint only appeals to people who have moved beyond the normal/average range of consciousness and therefore these people (to my mind) must play the critical role in the mass awakening taking place on the planet. The cabal, of course, knows this so it has created what I call a cul-de-sac to absolutely control what this faction believes. Because liberals are critical for the agenda at this point, massive, massive, massive efforts must be put forth to keep them in this pen. Actually, the right wing plays almost no role at this time in this march to destruction, with the possible exception of conflict created by protecting the 4th amendment and now disapproving of unchecked massive immigration. They are currently cast as the scape goat, terrorists in the Bundy thing and could be put into play to enflame the Ferguson racial situation. We must wait and see. The conservatives (which are the overwhelming bulk of the people in the US) had their run during the Bush eras and have stripped most rights in the US, have militarized the world, put in the prison complex and so much more, but they are bit players now as Obama and the liberals run the show unopposed. The agenda marches by alternating right, left, right, left, right (I know you know this, but I had to say it).
At one point in the consciousness evolution of the individual and of man, people start to look at blind self interest as not fair and they shift to more liberal thinking, we both went through this, it is called the Individualistic stage. Unfortunately, higher level people who can see the unfairness, and know that the trap mankind is in, exist totally within the conceptual realm and cannot be fought within the system and are so few that they have a weak, if any voice at all. People able to see and articulate this viewpoint very seldom have access to the mainstream media, because it does not serve the agenda. So the cabal ropes these higher level individuals back into the liberal camp. In my studies, quite a few of the really high flyers of consciousness expansion still cannot let go of core pieces of the liberal idea and the liberal agenda, no matter what facts they are presented with. To my mind the whole battle involves waking liberals up and you know the quote, “it is easier to trick someone, than to convince someone that they are being tricked.” So I spend about 10 hours a day trying to reach them – these are critical people, we need them.
In addition to the right/left paradigms that lead into the divide and conquer strategy, a main tactic of the cabal is what is called, “cult of personality” (COP). This is the phenomenon that occurs automatically in people where they set certain people up as leaders, to be seen as wise individuals who can be relied on to do our thinking for us. (We were never taught to think, just obey – so it seems to most people that we need COP to do our heavy lifting). It is likely a product of the Father or Wiseman archetype lodged in our brains. COP is why only certain actors are allowed in to most main stream movies, why only singers that can be relied on to deliver the right message get record contracts, why certain politicians (who are with few exceptions totally controlled) seem to act as voices for major portions of the population, why certain news personalities have access to the main stream and others do not. But how do they use COP to maintain the cul-de-sac and maintain control, you may ask?
The most common tactic I have noticed (the cabal doesn’t have too many plays in their playbook they are decidedly uncreative) occurs when a person chosen to be a shill in the COP scheme is given a great and partially true platform that is just slightly distorted to fit the needs of the cabal. Michael Moore (totally controlled millionaire with armed body guards who masquerades as a liberal) is a fine example, he made two films that show the model perfectly – he criticized health care in America (very true position) it fed into Obamacare (major way for the globalists to control healthcare and run the eugenics agenda). He also did a piece on gun control (this one was absolutely full of lies, but the lies appealed to the emasculated, liberal community who unfortunately see the issue as black and white in spite of their elevated position where they should have discarded this true or false trap two levels down on the ladder of expansion) and created firm supporters of gun control. Gun control is a critical piece in the globalist agenda for obvious reasons. Unfortunately, unless a person can see the overall enormity and great depth of the conspiracy, and know what pieces must be put and kept in place to drive the planet to Globalism, the distortion cannot be seen and therefore the COP can lead most of the sheeple where he or she is ordered to lead them.
If we look at some people that we have mentioned in our conversations; John Stewart, Thom Hartman and Bill Maher, they seem to have their heads on right and seem to be speaking the truth on some topics at some time, and indeed this is the intended perception. Because they present what seems to be an opposing viewpoint to the globalists, one that you and I both hold, we pat them on the back and say that they are helping the cause. Unfortunately, they work for the big guys, and will voice the truth only to the extent that it serves the interest of the cabal. They are not really people, they are controlled mouthpieces who, if they formed an opinion and voiced it they would be immediately eliminated (unless it helped the agenda). Recently there have been many firings of news people for going outside of the boundaries; one was fired for calling COP, John Stewart a bigot.
Now these COPs are all special people, they may have a great personality like John Stewart, a brilliant mind like Thom Hartman, Chris Hedges or Noam Choamsky or just an obnoxious (entertaining if you can keep from throwing up) personality like Bill Maher, Joan Rivers or Howard Stern, but they are all simply tools to co-opt and direct you back into the pen.
So here is a lens that I suggest might help us in determining what is true and what to leave alone. It is a bit formulaic, but bear with me on this. You may have some to add from your own experience or you may not like some of the ones I listed.
- I suspect people who the cabal has given a big voice to like a TV show, a news show, prominence in a big name university, and head of a “think tank” and so forth. (It is easy to understand, if they weren’t serving the cabal, they wouldn’t be given one of these platforms – everyone knows that the cabal controls the media and academia.) Rising stars are especially suspect in the COP game. You must watch very carefully what they say, what is the bottom line in the information they are giving. A major tactic is to give you 90% good information, make you love and trust them, rally the troops, but lead to the conclusion that the cabal wants. The twist at the end is most dangerous part.
- Keep in mind that there are only two teams here, forces for evolution and forces for involution. Although the forces for evolution are fragmented by the efforts of the cabal, the forces for involution, since they are comprised mostly of psychopaths, contain warring factions. They are in disagreement as to who should control the Global government, but all push in the same direction. You can’t be on both sides.
- You must suck it up and dive as deeply (with an open mind) into the rabbit hole as is possible, that you can stomach (we both work daily at this). Unless you can see what is happening, you can’t tell bull shit from gold. Every one of us is exploring various levels of this deep, deep conspiracy and we must all help one another find our way through the lies and slight of hand. Here are a few sacred cows that the globalists cannot have you question, if they want their dystopian nightmare to become a reality: gun control, man made global warming, overpopulation, eugenics and population control, the war on terror, lack of resources, dependence on oil, coal and nuclear power, wisdom of vaccines, threat of communism (now being retreaded), the existence of Israel, the conflicting paradigms of the global superpowers, the wisdom of religions (including atheism), destroying ethnic heritage in favor of a melting pot, the necessity of technology for human enhancement, racism as a major problem (without them stirring the pot), the wisdom of nuclear arms and power and there are probably many others but this is all I can think of right now. They need these ideas. If your COP supports one of these viewpoints, watch out. Now the COPs may be asked to take a conflicting viewpoint with the cabal on one or several of these subjects (controlled opposition) to gain credibility with a certain group that the cabal wants them to lead. But the bottom line always helps the agenda and will support one or all of these necessary underpinnings for the global take over.
- The ego has no interest in the truth. (covered in several chapters of my book, Belief Magic) It is interested in being right, self-justification, the maintenance of already held beliefs and the maintaining of self-esteem. We were never taught to question authority or the information given to us in school, why would we suddenly be critical thinkers and searchers for truth as adults? We enter the battle without tools – we need to help one another.
- I hate to say this, but people who make big money generally work for the globalists. There may be exceptions to this rule, but I can’t think of one.
Anyhow, this is how I look at the information that comes to me daily. When I identify a COP, I generally steer clear and advise others that this guy or gal might be controlled and is not leading people to conclusions that benefit humanity.
Now, I often disagree with people in the alternative media, friends and cohorts (not COPs) on items that I see as being helpful for globalization. No one is perfect, certainly not me and not seeing that one of their beliefs is playing into the hands of the evil forces happens all the time. In these instances I question my belief and look for motivations and what this belief could create on the planet. We are all in this together and need to rely on one another to see through the fog. Beware of the COP; they are lethal and seductive. If you subscribe to an ism (like liberalism, communism, socialism, neo-conism or any other) you are already in a trap and need to start digging yourself out.
Do your homework, don’t listen to the main stream, controlled media (including RT), and for god’s sake do not watch Television. Learn and know the agenda and its aims. Know where we are in the unfolding of this agenda (to see what might come next) and deeply examine (I mean really get both sides of the issue) beliefs that you hold that could be considered right or left. Especially the lefties, we need them to awaken NOW and help us find truth.
Hello Friend, I wanted to let you know that I am a relatively newly awakened soul and I really resonated with your point of views. I was just speaking to my fiancé about the vasts amount of MIS-information and persuasive talk from numerous sources creating the illusion of choice and freedom meanwhile pushing the ULTIMATE agenda. My rising in consciousness has truly expanded my objectivity and my overall ability to be able to discern what is truth and what is false, But I'am simultaneously aware that I can not fall into a lax state of mind, keeping my awareness sharp at all times, and accepting the fact that I have been hornshwaggled my entire life!
ReplyDeleteLove and Light,
p.s. How about Taoism????