Welcome to Pine Cone Utopia

Now is the time to awaken and realize that you have chosen to be alive in the most momentous and wonderful time in the last 12,000 years. If you choose to open your eyes, you will see that a revolutionary change in human consciousness is about to take place. A shift that promises to be so complete and transformational in nature that the species that emerges will be hardly recognizable as human. Individually and collectively, we are moving into dimensions of consciousness far more wonderful, expansive and filled with possibilities than most of us dare to imagine.

Friday, November 21, 2014

By Paul W. Marko, Ph.D.

Three things in recent history make me hopeful that the tide has ebbed against the oppressors and collectively we are beginning to take the reins of our own destiny. First was the announcement by Alfred Lambremont Webre that the time line (or likely future scenarios) has shifted and we are on a more positive course. Alfred, an internationally known lawyer and judge, has analyzed possible future scenarios using remote viewing forecasts and other methods to formulate his findings. He has determined that the future that the globalists were expecting and hoping for is not happening. Instead more peaceful outcomes are appearing. He points to various predicted happenings like the expected “global coastal event” during the summer of 2013 and other recent happenings to illustrate his point. Second is the appearance of Jim Carey on Saturday Night Live and the Jimmy Kimmel show. These appearances demonstrate that Satanism is indeed coming out of the closet and that the conspiracy theorists must be further marginalized for talking about the “illuminutty.” Jim, to the cabal of Satanists is what could be called a “big gun.” Not only is he enormously popular, but he is also rumored to be very high up in the hierarchy of evil in LA – the home of Laurel Canyon, Hollywood mind control and the hub of much of the enchanted (not in a good way) music business. Third is the triumphant re-emergence of David Icke after his most recent Wimbley event. In a new interview with Ritchie Allen, he relentlessly pounds at the weakest link in the suit of armor worn by the ruling class around the world. He repeatedly (as he has been doing for one quarter of a century) exposes evidence that Satanism (almost universally practiced by the elites running the world) and pedophilia are virtually inseparable because the blood, emotional distress, torture and murder of these innocents are necessary ingredients for the survival of the race controlling the elites and likely the elites themselves. David, in this interview, punches so hard at this crack in the dam that he must see (as I do) that this is very close to breaking and is likely the death knell for the super rich, controlling psychopaths. Good riddance. All of this great news at one time leads me to look at what the next few years could hold as the collapse that must take place actually happens.

“They will fall like a house of cards,” or so optimistic members of the Awakening might say, but I think that a structure so large, so all encompassing (even beyond our little planet), so intrinsic to our everyday life might take some time before it lies dead at our feet and leaves our memory. The collapse could involve a period of trying to make governments work -- until everyone realizes that authority especially housed in government is the breeding ground for the worst of human behaviors. Financial systems could eventually be replaced by human systems but having been trained to rely on such an artificial system to value life, the habit of central currencies may be hard to break. Likely, vast amounts of technology will be released for public consumption in all areas of life and dealing with those new powers and freedoms could take some adjustment. Even peace and harmony could take some getting used to not to mention freedom, (I mean real freedom – not government granted freedom) that may be a strange fitting suit for a while. Humankind rising from the ashes of this false reality may not be pretty and certainly will not be immediate. The transition that could happen might be characterized as recovering from a horrible addiction or undergoing a transformation from an obedience based existence to one of being lost in the unlimited range of possibilities available. As we grow out of this trap the path will likely be gradual and a bit on the painful side.   

Those of you who are of the Awakening and participating in the move to unseat the giant butt of oppression from our beautiful planet, keep in mind that you are responsible for the shift in the timeline, and causing the “grand poo bah” of Satanic comedy to try to quell the brainwashed masses. In addition, pat yourself on the back also for helping David Icke be even more effective in exposing the crack that will cause the dam to break. The shift is happening, the secrets are being revealed and they are in panic mode. Nice work guys!

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