Losing My Religion
Growing Up Jewish in America
I have to speak out about the massacre taking place in Palestine, as an American Jew. It’s wrong. No matter how you twist it, killing babies is wrong.
What does it mean to be Jewish these days? Is it a religion? Is it a race? I can only relate what it was like for me and what I saw and encountered. My family was not particularly religious. We simply belonged to a Temple, paid our dues and went to services on the “High Holy Days” just to keep up face really. Yes, my parents enrolled me in religious classes....for us it was Saturday school....but I quickly learned to sneak out during services in the sanctuary and hang out in the coffee shop of the hospital across the street until it was time to be picked up afterwards and no one was the wiser. I don’t remember learning much, except that Sukkot was a cool holiday where we built twig houses decorated with vines and gourds outside in the yard and there was someone named Ester involved. My brother was Bar Mitzvah-ed which to me simply meant a big party and lots of checks and gifts for him. He kind of got into learning to read the torah and even went to Israel and celebrated his heritage....but I opted out of the Bas Mitzvah, given the choice. I do remember that it was important to my one grandmother that we only marry other Jews to keep the bloodline pure, and my other grandfather was so anti-Hitler and anti-Germany that my mother was never allowed to own anything manufactured by German’s including the harmonica she wanted or a Volkswagon. But the most significant thing I remember was that every year we had a sedar on Passover. Even though as a child I had no idea how to make sense of any of it, I can tell you now for sure that it was heavy duty indoctrination. And at some point in the ritual we always drank a sip of wine with the toast, “Next year in Jerusalem.”
No, for me and many other jews I knew, being Jewish was more about eating lox and bagels and being disliked by everyone who wasn’t Jewish. We felt a kinship to the blacks because we too were a minority that no one liked. It was instilled into us from early childhood that we were hated by everyone so we had to be careful and stick together. As the years passed however, these messages faded into the background and no one really cared about marrying non jews or even sticking together.
Fast forward to adulthood....I have what my husband calls “Jew-dar” I can just tell when I’m in the presence of another Jew. It’s a vibe I feel. And there’s something compelling for me about being around other Jews. I feel comfortable, nostalgic, at ease somehow. It’s a shared background. We share the same mind control programming.
But right now we have a major problem to face. All that mind control programing has the Jews of the world defending a perceived right to a Jewish homeland at any and all cost. This is a Zionist program and as Jews, we are not automatically Zionists. Zionists are pure EVIL. They will do anything, let nothing stand in their way of achieving their goal, including exterminating an entire group of people who have a natural right to live in their homeland, the beautiful people of Palestine whose homeland has been reduced to a small strip of land called Gaza.
This is a scary time on the planet for everyone, but especially for the Jewish people. According to an ancient system of measuring time called the Saeculum, we have come full circle to another crisis time, just like the crisis times of WWII. But this Jewish problem has been a very long time in the making.
In this time of great awakening (which is coincidentally happening during a crisis time, not an awakening time), when so many of us are becoming aware of all the lies we’ve been told and are continuing to be told, it’s critical that we see through the Zionist agenda. EVERYTHING we thought we knew to be true is turning out to be absolutely false. Here is a perfect example. I just watched a six hour documentary by Dennis Wise on Adolf Hitler, the Greatest Story NEVER told. It seems that like everything else we were led falsely to believe as true, as Wise sees it Hitler was not the monster we were all taught he was. According to Wise he was loved and cherished by the people of Germany and even Poland because he brought them up out of poverty and restored their way of life to one of prosperity where they could thrive. He was fighting Stalin and communism and the Zionist bankers whose money system was a criminal debt system. So it only makes sense that the Zionists would retaliate to keep their precious monetary agenda in place by demonizing him and his beloved Germany in the eyes of all people everywhere. Yes, it was a world war and millions of people of all nationalities, religions and races were killed, but the number of Jews killed by Hitler in Germany was nothing like the six million dead from the Holocaust we were told, a number coincidentally inscribed into our collective consciousness starting in something like 1913 in a newspaper writeup (by the Zionists) and which has been continually repeated to cement that figure deeply into our minds.In fact, according to Edwin Black who wrote the “Transfer Agreement” in which he documents the pact between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine, there was a ("Haavara Agreement" in Hebrew) between Zionist organizations and Nazi Germany to transfer a number of Jews and their assets to Palestine. Some 60,000 German Jews were relocated along with their assets. Rumor has it that the plan was (and likely still is) to make the Jewish people so despised and so afraid that they willingly move to the state of Israel, centrally locating them all into one convenient place where they can be finally exterminated as a whole. Now I don’t know for sure if that’s true but I can attest to the programming that makes us all fearful.
There’s so much in the news right now (the alternative news, not the mainstream news, which I actually don’t watch) about how despicable Jews are. A fomenting of anger and retribution is heating up. And indeed there should be anger BUT DIRECTED TOWARDS THE ZIONISTS, not the Jewish people! It must be realized that we are NOT one and the same.
I’m a good person. I have many wonderful friends and relatives who are Jewish. We are NOT THE ONES killing the Palestinians on our behalf to make more room for a homeland in Israel. We are happy in our homes wherever they are all over the world. We ARE NOT the Zionists. In fact many Zionists are not even Jewish. Yes there are some that are, and I am adamantly opposed to and appalled by their actions, as are MANY many other people of Jewish descent. We have been set up to take the fall. We have been made the scapegoats of this HORRIBLE agenda to take over the world. It is another instance of divide and conquer. Separate all of humanity into different factions that can war against each other to reduce our numbers so that the ruling bloodline families can control the limited number of us that are left. What do you think those thousands of Nazi scientists and psychologists recruited during Operation Paperclip have been employed to do? We have each and every one of us been brain washed and mind controlled since the very moment of our birth into this existence. Every bit of our experience has been fabricated towards a certain end. And it is not an end that favors humanity continuing to evolve back to our rightful lofty position as infinite consciousness.
We MUST see through this horrific agenda, stand up and see that it is NOT the Jews who are ruining everything. Jewish does NOT equal Zionist. Do your due diligence, learn the truth. Do not accept everything at face value. Question EVERYTHING. Our lives have been a lie, spoon fed to us since birth.