Welcome to Pine Cone Utopia

Now is the time to awaken and realize that you have chosen to be alive in the most momentous and wonderful time in the last 12,000 years. If you choose to open your eyes, you will see that a revolutionary change in human consciousness is about to take place. A shift that promises to be so complete and transformational in nature that the species that emerges will be hardly recognizable as human. Individually and collectively, we are moving into dimensions of consciousness far more wonderful, expansive and filled with possibilities than most of us dare to imagine.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Thank you for visiting our blog! When you have read through all our posts here, PLEASE VISIT our new blog http://pineconeutopia.yolasite.com which we keep currently updated with new information. In particular be sure to check out our UN-University page where we post links to all the new research and information we discover that we find worth sharing. We also have a new page, Paul and Mindy's entertainment Channel, where we post music videos, comedy and films just for fun.