Welcome to Pine Cone Utopia

Now is the time to awaken and realize that you have chosen to be alive in the most momentous and wonderful time in the last 12,000 years. If you choose to open your eyes, you will see that a revolutionary change in human consciousness is about to take place. A shift that promises to be so complete and transformational in nature that the species that emerges will be hardly recognizable as human. Individually and collectively, we are moving into dimensions of consciousness far more wonderful, expansive and filled with possibilities than most of us dare to imagine.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Thoughts on Racial Extermination from an Expat
 by Mindy Urken

Well, here’s my 2 cents for whatever it’s worth....The homogenization of all peoples and all cultures is at the forefront of the news these days. I imagine it comes right out of Agenda 21, you know the United Nation’s Plan for the 21st century...or maybe you don’t know about that?.....Could be it’s part of the Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars document or is it Quiet Weapons for Silent Wars? I guess it really doesn’t matter which code name it carries or who articulated the plan, what really matters is that there does seem to be a plan in place. One World People....but will we still be human? Or will we be just one giant race of trans-human beings, part machine, (still) part human? Will we be so dumbed down by that time we won’t even notice that we no longer have any racial identity, any culture unique to our origin, whether genetically or geographically?

I come at this from a strange perspective. You see quite a number of years ago (it’s so many now I’ve lost count) I realized that my own country of origin was so out of sync with my own values, that I didn’t want to be associated with it. I thought my own country (the good ole US of A) or should I say (USS of A) had no culture to speak of. Look, I was young and naive then (or perhaps just uninformed and uneducated) but every other ethnic group had really interesting and tasty food and what did we have, McDonald’s hamburgers? My god, that’s not even real food! 

Everything in the US has become whitewashed over. Every town you go to whether it’s in the North East, the Mid West, the deep south or anywhere in the boonies, looks exactly the same, has the same chain stores and chain restaurants and even seems to have used the same architects and city planners. There’s no diversity whatsoever. So I was over it on so many levels, I wanted out! First I tried to immigrate to New Zealand. They wouldn’t have me. Granted I was only 18, trying to immigrate with my then boyfriend, later my husband, had no special skills or experience to offer. So be it. Some years later I tried to immigrate to the Quebec province of Canada, with my new husband. They weren’t having us either. Then Brazil, same husband. No go. Well fourth time was a charm and Ecuador said YES.

Now some of you may have noticed it’s getting easier and easier to immigrate. After all, the US now has open borders. They’re busing in Central and South Americans by the busload and plane load. And paying for their housing and medical! Europe’s over run with immigrants from the middle east, which you may have heard is causing a s**t-load of problems. The new immigrants are outnumbering the folks who were born and raised in the countries now swarming with folks from the middle east who want to bring their values, their religion, their laws with them to displace the ones that were already there. Perhaps you’ve heard? Shiite law allows for their men to rape women. It’s not a crime unless there are 4 or 5 witnesses.

But here’s where my 2 cents comes in....from my experience living as an American ex-patriate in a Latin culture....not just in Ecuador but all over South America, there’s comfort in being with people who share your own heritage and culture. We as human beings, find solace and comfort and security when we can engage with other people who not only speak our native language but also share similar life experiences, similar values, similar ways of being in the world. Look when I grew up in New Jersey, we always had neighborhoods where all the Italians lived, neighborhoods where all the black people lived (Oops, is that not politically correct these days?...f**k that, but that’s a topic for another expose, isn’t it?) neighborhoods where all the Jewish people lived (Now there’s REALLY a topic for another expose!) We like to be with our own. It’s in our nature. Now that’s not to say that I don’t enjoy living among a completely different culture and learning from them and observing in which ways we are different and in which ways we are very much the same. We’re all human beings. We love our babies and want the best for them. We have joys and sorrows in common. But I myself love to find a place where there is the common ground of living near other North Americans and Europeans who share a much more similar background of experience, not to mention language, no matter how much my own skills at my new language improve.

For a while I thought it would be cool to try and assimilate into the society I had transplanted myself into. I said things like, I’m tired of being with other Americans, I’d much rather get to know the local people.....The truth is that these things about our culture of origin are more important than you’ll ever realize until they’re gone. Listen, the locals find us somewhat interesting and intriguing at times, but mostly they’d rather we weren’t here. That way they wouldn’t have to compare what we have with what little they have by comparison, and feel envy or hatred or simply lack. It is all quite relative when you get right down to it. After the curiosity is gone, there is still such a wide gap between our cultures.

A while back I had the privilege of living in a community which was indigenous. Now when I say indigenous, I don’t just mean native to the geographical location, I mean these were real honest to goodness Kichwa indians. Wow, did I love those people. I have so much admiration for who they are and how they are and how close they have remained connected to the land on which they live and all of nature. It was, as I said, an honor and a blessing to live among them and experience their world, but no matter how hard I could have tried I will never be one of them or even feel totally at ease in their world.....not because I am a priss, a spoiled American, (and believe me by the very nature of our culture and the environment we grew up in, we are) but because it is so radically different.

Here’s another example, this one may be more abstract but perhaps it will illustrate the point. One time I participated in a workshop using hemi-sync technology which synchronizes the two hemispheres of the brain. It was mind altering to say the least and propelled what is called “out of body” experiences. After one of the sessions I went for a walk outside, still very much altered as if in a dream or on an acid trip, or better yet, like a mushroom trip. As I was walking through the grounds I encountered a cluster of thick brush and I could see a natural tunnel had formed where birds were taking refuge. It looked so inviting I wanted to follow them in and as I was about to do just that, it occurred to me that it was not my place, that as much as I wanted to be a part of that world, it was not my world and I would simply have to be content with observing and witnessing.

Such is our place in the world. We are connected to the land we were born on and raised on. We are connected to the community we were a part of in our early years, to the town, to the country. It does form our identity and we hold a deep subconscious connection to it, and to our racial heritage as well. And no matter where we live in the world, we will always be that from which we came....and of course more.

But all that is being manipulated and destroyed or at least in the process of trying to be unless we stand up and say NO. We stop being manipulated by the political correctness of agreeing we are all one. Well we are and we aren’t. Racism has been given a whole new meaning like so much in our language which has been so twisted as to have become the opposite of what it once meant or still does mean to those who control and manipulate. Racism is a good thing. Racism is to love and identify and cherish your ethnic identity, your geographical identity....to wish to preserve it in as pure a form as is possible, given the few exceptions, after all we do fall in love with people from other origins and naturally want to marry and have families together....but for the overall scheme of things it’s a good thing to be a part of something unique and not homogenized. Listen Homogenization isn’t even good for milk. It kills everything that’s wholesome and healthy and beneficial about it and it gives you cancer! Why on earth would we allow our humanity to be homogenized?

Just my 2 cents.

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